
Stort plus til SPOT: Flot modtagelse af SPOT Festivals nye branche-område

Meldingerne oven på SPOT Festival tikker stadig ind – langt hovedparten særdeles positive. Det gælder i høj grad også festivalens nye tiltag SPOT+, hvor de mange citater nederst i artiklen fra både danske og udenlandske delegerede fortæller om positiv modtagelse […]

De oversøiske branchefolks dom: Tilgængelighed og netværksmuligheder i international klasse

SPOT Festivalen har sat tre toneangivende brancefolk fra USA og England i stævne for at få deres dom over festivalen. Her kan du læse, hvorfor lige netop den østjyske showcase-festival er så velrenommeret på tværs af havene. Af Lasse P. […]

Lions, dinosaurs and elephants: surviving music industry’s wildlife

[INT.]  Judging by the metaphors used by participants at SPOT+, the first edition of the business oriented event part of Spot Festival, the music industry is a wildlife. By Erika Astudillo, Jutland Station Judging by the metaphors used by participants at Spot+, […]

Business for breakfast

[INT.] How would you like to start your day? Perhaps with some coffe, milk, fresh juice and a traditional rye bread? How about signing a new contract for your band? By Shulun Huang, Jutland Station. How would you like to start […]

It’s a content game – he who has content is king

[INT.] When songwriting camp Aarhus Calling visited SPOT+ Friday afternoon, it was an excellent opportunity for music industry professionals and enthusiasts to pick the brain of some of the biggest producer names from Denmark and abroad. The panel consisted of Che Pope, Grammy […]

‘Nächste Haltestelle SPOT Festival’ – A Bus journey with SPOT’s German guests

[INT.] For the past eight years SPOT has been bringing international delegates and guests from Germany, Switzerland, The Netherlands and Belgium to the festival on buses. Ellie Sellwood got on the bus at Hamburg to find out more about SPOT’s […]

”It’s not always about money – it’s about art and creativity”

[INT.] It took many people by surprise, to say the least, when both Nick Cave and Christopher Walken participated in Jack & Jones’ ‘Made from Cool’ campaign. At SPOT+, the man behind the music, Jesper Gadeberg, related the story of how he made […]


[INT.] IMMF represent music managers all over the world. They connect these people in the music industry, so they can share experiences, opportunities, information and resources. At SPOT+ IMMF had a reception dedicated to networking. Jake Beaumont-Nesbitt was asked about […]

Sonic Visions at SPOT+

[INT.] Back in 2008 Sonic Visions met SPOT leader Gunnar K. Madsen. Rockhal and Music & Resources Rockhal wanted to create a music festival in Luxembourg. As SPOT Festival had already been going for 14 years, Gunnar K. Madsen was […]


[INT.] Free music online can represent a challenge for artists and music industry, or an opportunity for new business models. by Amélie Drouet and Hanna Wolf, Jutland Station. On the internet there is a tendency of getting access to almost […]


[INT.] SPOT International Opening Reception kicked off today with an opening speech by Aarhus mayor Jacob Bundsgaard. Afterwards Jake Beaumont-Nesbitt from IMMF spoke about the changes in music distribution, and how influential SPOT Festival is in the future of music. […]

The Road To SPOT+

[INT.] Please watch the video above and find the road to SPOT+. Accreditation and check-in for international guests will take place here. Here’s a map of the area. The SPOT+ area is dedicated to Danish and International industry professionals: networking, […]

Counter-stream: Vinyl 2.0 – An unlikely success

[INT.] What possesses someone to start selling CDs and records in 2015? And, more importantly, how are they able to make it a success, for both label and artist? Get answers to these questions, and more, when Tiger Music explain […]

Aarhus som musikkens Mekka: ”Grib chancen”

Godt 300 internationale musikbranche-folk er til SPOT Festival i denne uge. Folk med interesse i dansk musik. Folk med brugbar viden. ”Benyt jer nu af muligheden – grib chancen” lyder den klare entydige opfordring fra arrangørerne til det danske musikliv. […]

Fashion & Music at SPOT+

[INT.] Fashion makes a fashionably late entrance at SPOT+. About time too, for music and fashion have been going out since rock-music hit puberty. Parts of the Music & Fashion programme is in English, e.g when ex-Volbeat and Gob Squad […]

SPOT Festival apps ready

Read about the latest news, changes to the programme, music- and film-presentations, networking opportunities, the conference- and seminar-programme, and more. Available for Android and iOS. Android: IOS:

MaMa reception Saturday at SPOT+

[INT.] The influential Paris-based music industry conference and showcase festival MaMA will be hosting a reception at SPOT Festival for the 2nd year in a row on Saturday 2 May from 17:00 – 18:00 at the new SPOT+ area at […]

Ny pris til designtalenter

[DK] HEADSTART FASHION og optikerkæden Smarteyes uddeler i forbindelse med årets SPOT Festival (SPOT+) en helt ny pris, ‘Smarteyes Design Award’ til årets design talent. Vinderen skal findes mellem 12 indstillede kandidater fra de førende designskoler i Danmark. En ekspert […]

Che Pope, Cutfather and Pitchshifters – international top-producers at SPOT

[INT.] SPOT Festival will be hosting a seminar with international top-producer Che Pope (picture), who’s worked with American superstars like Kanye West, Jay-Z, Eminem, 50 Cent and Mary J Blige. Cutfather and Pitchshifters will also be on the panel. Che […]

Internationale topproducere på SPOT-seminar

[DK] SPOT Festival får fint besøg når den internationale topproducer Che Pope, der arbejder med amerikanske topnavne som Kanye West, Jay-Z, Eminem, 50 Cent og Mary J. Blige, gæster festivalens konference-program. Cutfather og Pitchshifters er også med. Che Pope arbejder […]

Strøm på SPOT

[DK] Strøm festival inviterer et udsnit af scenens aktører til en snak om best practices og om hvad vi kan lære af den elektroniske musikscenes evne til at organisere sig, og promovere musikken internationalt. Den elektroniske musikscene er kendetegnet ved […]

Klar til Networking på SPOT Festival?

[DK] Om to uger tænder SPOT Festival for musikken, festen og networking for de ca. et tusinde branchefolk fra både ind og udland. SPOT+ byder på masser af networking SPOT Festival lancerer i år et dedikeret område, SPOT+, til networking […]

SPOT Interactive konference 2015 – Beyond Entertainment

[DK] Shareplay og Interactive Denmark afholder for tredje år i træk SPOT Interactive konferencen. Konferencen vil, som i de foregående år, undersøge nye måder at bringe kompetencerne fra de digitale kreative industrier i spil og give et billede af morgendagens […]

Fashion & Music – Fokus på talent og synergier

[DK] Med et konference-potpourri indeholdende nogle af Danmarks bedste modedesignere, modevirksomheder og modeteoretikere, sætter HEADSTART FASHION fokus på talent og synergi mellem de kreative brancher under SPOT+. Det sker 2. maj i Dania-salen. Multikunstner, musiker og modedesigner Henrik Vibskov, tv-vært […]

[INT] Daniel Nordgård to give keynote speech at SPOT+

Daniel Nordgård (NO) will be giving a keynote speech at SPOT+, focused on the challenges facing the music industry in the wake of the shift to digital distribution and streaming of music. In 2013, Nordgård lead the government-appointed Nordgård-committee which […]

“Det har altid været svært at ernære sig som musiker”: Streaming til debat

Streaming deler vandene. Debatten, både herhjemme og i udlandet, er ofte polariseret – i mange tilfælde er den blevet reduceret til ‘musikere vs streamingtjenester’ – og det er synd for den nuancerede debat, for streaming er ligesom sex nok kommet […]

Otte filmseminarer klar til SPOT+

Hvordan havner en dansk dokumentarist i instruktørstolen på True Detective? Hvor blev musikprogrammerne af på DR? Skal vi vende tommelfingeren op eller ned til den nye lavbudget spillefilmsordning? SPOT+ stiller skarpt på en række aktuelle filmfolk og -debatter. SPOT+ er […]

Glimps reception Saturday May 2

The Belgian showcase event Glimps, which takes place from 10-12 December in Gent, is hosting a reception from 15:00 – 16:00 on Saturday the 2nd of May, at the this year’s SPOT Festival. Managing Director Jeroen Vereecke explains: “Danish and […]

SPOT Festival slår pjalterne sammen med HEADSTART FASHION

[DK] Musik og mode: SPOT Festival og modebranchens vækstinitiativ HEADSTART FASHION sætter fokus på talent og synergier mellem de kreative brancher. De seneste udgaver af SPOT Festival har ikke bare vist at musikkens, filmens og interactive-industriens verden er i rivende […]

IMMF reception at SPOT+

International Music Managers Forum, IMMF invites you to a reception Friday May 1, 17:00-18:00 in the SPOT+ area. IMMF vice-chair Volker May (picture) explains the agenda behind the IMMF reception at SPOT: – IMMF has been expanding its international network […]

Sonic Visions reception

Luxemburg festival Sonic Visions will be hosting a reception Friday May 1 15:00-16:00 in the SPOT+ area. Oliver Toth, General manager/CEO has sent us the following meassage: “Sonic Visions is proud to be hosting a reception at this years edition […]


MXD and SPOT Festival present the biggest meet-up between Danish and international music professionals at this year’s festival. When: Saturday, May 2nd, 1.30 pm – 3.00 pm. Where: The SPOT+ area Who: SPOT+ delegates only Sign-up: Sign up for MXD […]

Streaming+ – SPOT+ sætter spot på streaming

Streaming er blevet den primære musikplatform i Skandinavien, men denne nye forretningsmodel kræver også en helt ny tilgang til arbejdet med musikken i fremtiden. Over et samlet seminar med titlen Streaming+, vil vi forsøge at tage pulsen på debatten og […]

SPOT+ Music & Branding

Music & Branding er overskriften når vi igennem en række best-practice cases sætter fokus på det meget udbredte samarbejde mellem brands og bands – herhjemme og internationalt. Oplev cases og mød folk fra FRUKT, Volume, Universal Music Denmark og Platinum […]

Meet “True Detective” director Janus Metz

How do you go from making a documentary about war in Afghanistan to directing Hollywood stars like Colin Farrell, Vince Vaughn and Rachel McAdams in one of the most hyped American TV series in recent times? This is the topic, […]

Meet The Music Supervisors – 3.0 – SPOT+ conference & seminar 2015!

SPOT + makes it possible for you to meet a string of highly recognized music supervisors as we now open for applications to participate at our “Meet The Music Supervisors 3.0”-speed meetings, which will take place during the SPOT+ conference […]