Saturday May 2, 10.00 - 10.59




Daniel Nordgård (Ph.D at the University in Agder, Norway)

Nordgård will talk about the challenges facing the music industry in the wake of the shift to digital distribution and streaming of music.

Nordgård teaches music business at the master’s programme of the Music Management programme at the University of Agder, Norway. His research is on the international music business, and changes in relation to the digitalization process – with special focus on streaming. He is currently completing a PhD on the subject.

In 2013, Nordgård lead the government-appointed Nordgård-committee which looked at streaming and he also wrote a comprehensive report on the Norwegian streaming market. He has previously been very active on the music-scene in Kristiansand, and has extensive experience from volunteer work at and as manager of the Quart festival, as well as on various projects and initiatives around the live sector and festival industry.



Rasmus Rex (PhD Stipendiat/RUC & RMC – streaming) 

The growth of streaming has created an enormous debate from all areas of the music industry; businesses, organizations, musicians, songwriters, managers – and even the superstars behind e.g. Tidal. Myths about tiny payments, non-transparent agreements, and so forth. But what is “true” and what is “false”? PhD Fellow Rasmus Rex Pedersen will bust a number of the most tenacious myths about streaming in this presentation.

Rasmus Rex Pedersen is PhD Fellow at Roskilde University. His research focuses on the professional musician as brand in the new media ecology. He has taught music sociology & music management at several tertiary education institutions, and has published several reports in Streaming in Denmark.